Innovative Solution
"Value addition" is the basis of any successful and sustained business relationship between two entities.
FM India offers innovative solutioning as one such value addition to our customers, where we contribute to our customer's value chain not only as a one-time value addition but of a continual nature due to FM India tradition of improving it, with time.

Apart from the best in class performance which is a trademark Spear service, a good example is the FM India "Business Industrial Engineering" (BIE) function which adds value to our customer businesses via innovative solutions upon and around their key Warehouse and Distribution requirements of: Innovative Warehouse design to enable Higher thoughput at lesser costs.• Material handling equipment and Material storage equipment; selection to suit the Volume, flow (direction & magnitude) and cycle time metrics for Optimal Cost-Benefit ratio.
Distribution network design based on data analysis of our customer's transaction numbers.
Continuous Improvement - Dedicated team of CI headed by a GM, to drive top down and bottom up approach.
Our Services
Know more about our full range of contract logistics services across India. click here
Our Clients
We manage logistics services for some of the most important companies in India. click here
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